Happy Mother's day X 3 to MEEEEEEEEEE!
Yup, gotta love it.
Ankle deep in warm bubbly massaging water, tiara on head, still in my PJ's, cuddling with"fashion" youngest while getting back scratched ( hard to see in pic) by oldest.
Ahhhhh, one day a year! How can you beat it!
No. Really. I had a great Mother's day if you exclude the four hour car ride home from Memere's house, complete with death threats and the appearance of the anti-christ, aka ME.
Frank is starting to seriously doubt my said ability to drive home to NB - ALONE - with all three children. No amount of my explaining that it's just a question of being organised and prepared for all eventualities.... "so I'll learn to change the tire" hee hee. I don't even thinkI have myself fooled any longer as the time of departure slithers its way into realistic view.
OK OK OK. So I broke down and checked air fare (1700$), train fare (1500$) and postage (10$ each three business days) if I were just to mail them all home.... I feel like such a chicken! Maybe if I get some good prescription drugs for me before I go... maybe for them. Drugging my kids would be wrong, right?? Oh well. If anyone has any ideas for a more enjoyable way to travel or ideas on how to survive this kind of thing, please send them my way!