Thursday, May 18, 2006

Happy Mother's day X 3 to MEEEEEEEEEE!

Yup, gotta love it.

Ankle deep in warm bubbly massaging water, tiara on head, still in my PJ's, cuddling with"fashion" youngest while getting back scratched ( hard to see in pic) by oldest.

Ahhhhh, one day a year! How can you beat it!

No. Really. I had a great Mother's day if you exclude the four hour car ride home from Memere's house, complete with death threats and the appearance of the anti-christ, aka ME.

Frank is starting to seriously doubt my said ability to drive home to NB - ALONE - with all three children. No amount of my explaining that it's just a question of being organised and prepared for all eventualities.... "so I'll learn to change the tire" hee hee. I don't even thinkI have myself fooled any longer as the time of departure slithers its way into realistic view.

OK OK OK. So I broke down and checked air fare (1700$), train fare (1500$) and postage (10$ each three business days) if I were just to mail them all home.... I feel like such a chicken! Maybe if I get some good prescription drugs for me before I go... maybe for them. Drugging my kids would be wrong, right?? Oh well. If anyone has any ideas for a more enjoyable way to travel or ideas on how to survive this kind of thing, please send them my way!


At 1:09 PM, Blogger 2266 said...

Stop it, you're scaring me! You're not gonna convince me like that! How long is that road trip anyway?

At 2:59 PM, Blogger The Gadoury Chronicles said...

Hmmmmmm probably from your house I'd say 10 hours?? Can you handle it?? You'd have to practice... "On your knees! Interlock your hands behind your head!"

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Steph said...

Gravol. Lots of gravol. then just put them in their kennels and drive.

wait, that's animals not kids.

What do I know?


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