Whooooooooooo whooooooooo!!
chugg-a-chugga-chooo choooooo!!!
The christmas train came barrelling down the candy cane tracks and ploughed head-on, full-force into my helpless little self! I guess all that knitting, baking, scrapbooking, christtmas card writting, tinsel-toting took it's toll on "stressed in holiday style" me!
I contracted the flu. On Christmas Day... fa la la la la a .. a... a.... kachoeowjoejhoik!
Is it because I was hesitant to go and receive the flu shot due to my phobia of needles?
No there was a shortage and I didn't want to increase the risk for the elderly and the young....
anybody buying that??
Is it because I now have a schoolage child and also have the pleasure of being exposed to every germ in the system transported by snotty little kids? Probably.
In the midst of the phlegm-hoarding throws of feverish shivering I vowed to purchase and install anti-bacterial stations at all points of entry to our house.
"There will be rules about the cleansing of the hands upon entry..." *as I waved aroung a soggy kleenex in one hand, for effect, while clutching my blanket with the other!
Actually if I had to PICK a time to be sick like that it would have been then. I am surrounded by sympathetic family members ( who probably knew thier time would come eventually) who could take over goblin duty while I felt sorry for myself in my nest of crumpled kleenex and Halls wrappers.
I am glad to say it only took three weeks to declare myself officially a phlegm-free vessel and now I'm biding my time until the next on-slaught! What with it be ???
strepp? Bronchitis? oh oh oh maybe head lice??!!
Welcome to the school years!
Oh yeah !! Happy new year everybody! I think I'll go sabotage my new year's resolution and have some chocolate... for lunch! Down with Resolutionsssss!!!!!
(Hey I missed most of the Xmas goodies because I thought I might run into them again after I consumed them! JUST LET ME LIVE DAMMIT! It's my perogativeeee la al ala llla!)