Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Bad Mama


Am I the worst Mom in the world or do I just feel that way?

I hate it when I lose my temper and fly off the handle at my kids. They don't always deserve it. Not always, a lot of the time yes, but not always.

Like this morning.

Everything was going pretty well, really. They had ate their breakfast, made their beds, brushed their teeth, got dressed, drew some pictures, played with each other with little bodily injury suffered and then....

Then the moment , which is a hot-button issue between P and me arrived.

Getting dressed to go to school. Do you think we can ever get through this little exercise without somebody yelling, pouting, crying, stamping feet and "HHMMPPHH"-ing.... and P gets mad too sometimes. No, seriously though. It's always a struggle and no matter what I threaten and how many parenting manuals I read I can't seem to find anything that works well. (I don't negotiate with terrorists....)

Well, it was me this morning that had the tantrum.

Husband has 8:30 class, I'm getting a cold, hormones are currently ummmmm... haywire and I just couldn't handle the least glitch in the getting-dressed-for-school drama. Maybe I was anticipating it too. So, I lost my temper, feel horrible and my children think I'm crazy.

I want to crawl under my bed for awhile.
By the way - the picture above was not from this morning but after a nasty fall in December. So, I'm not responsible for that particular face. A different one, but not that specific one.

I did apologize to him and said we have to do better the rest of the day. So, if I can concentrate on the rest of the day and not that little incident, maybe I'll feel better about my MOM-skills. It's so easy to think about what you didn't do just right versus all the things you did do right at the end of the day.

This was heavy, eh?

Spring is on the way.


At 5:01 PM, Blogger 2266 said...

So, what did he wear?
Gosh, that kid is beautiful!
TĂȘte de pioche, but beautiful!

At 6:37 AM, Blogger 2266 said...

Oh, and also: PHEEBS!


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