Sunday, August 07, 2005

Where has the summer gone??

Yes, I have been AWOL for what seems like an eternity.

Between not having time, not wanting to haul my overly-pregnant butt down the stairs, and then the kicker- forgetting my username and password (to add to the indignities). I guess you snooze you lose... the blog that is - I have nothing at all to lose from snoozing. ( nothing I can justify as worthwhile anyway!)

I am now 37 weeks along and chomping at the bit to get going and put all this nasty labour and delivery stuff behind me. Unfortunately, nadda.

I have been contracting quite uncomfortably for the last three days with no results, just discomfort Hahahahssshhhaaaaahhhhaahahahahah, yeah. It's starting to get a tad annoying for myself and those around me.

1. I'm starting to get grouchy - more than the usual pregger bi-polar stuff.
2. They get excited and disappointed in the same breathe.
3. Dad's on a tight schedule and would like to be here and I may be giving false hope when I mention my state of affairs when they get regular and then I move and then they stop.... argh.
4. Out comes the usual parade of things to encourage labour - spicy food, rubbing certain pressure points, vigorous sex? - one of which my sig other is boycotting saying "this baby will come when she's ready..." ( We'll see how cooperative he becomes when point #1 kicks into full gear...)

"all right , all righ!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Just shut UP!!!"

hee hee.


At 4:40 PM, Blogger 2266 said...

What the #*%???

First, vigorous sex, now your comment box is full of spam!

That's what happens when you don't wait for me to watch my favourite television show...


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