Thursday, May 05, 2005

silly silly girl

I think I have a death wish.

Oh yeah. Under the pressure of the modern day "Mommy Myth" I got the great plan on wednesday that I should be taking advantage of living in our great country's capital and all that it has to offer.

We were all going to go on an adventure. We'll take the "city bus" and go downtown to the museum of nature - to see the dinosaur bones that we were reading about on tuesday night. It all seemed like agood idea sitting on my pregnant butt in my nice warm house.

It was a nice sunny day and I gathered up all the provisions for such an excursion - camera, money, snacks and drinks and map of downtown.

The nice sunny day was that minus the warmth of a sunny day, it was frickin freezin!

"Moooooom, I'm c-c-cold!" gagagagaga yuh. Me t-t-t-too kiddo.

We had a nice ride on the bus, but the trouble with me is that I'm not so confident with our city's bus system. I know for sure how to take only one route. We would walk to Macleod street, it didn't look that far on my handy-dandy map.

Factor in one 6 month pregnant girl and two short-legged preschoolers and you have a disaster.

I thought I was going to die.

"mmmmoommmm, I'm tired of walking, how far is it to the "useum", are we there yet?" *insert cold whipping wind* Shuffle shuffle shuffle of short legged children. .... and we hadn't even got the museum yet which required more short legged shuffling.

On the way back I took my chances with the local bus route and escaped blithering failure but not by much, at least my feet were spared. Both kids fell asleep on the other route, much to the amusement of our fellow passengers. I think Philippe would have stayed there for the rest of the busdriver's shift if I hadn't shaken him awake at our stop.

Well. at least the kids were excited to tell Papa about their trip wehen he got back from work. I had to put something in the bank for mother's day appreciation, right? The kids had fun, we all survived and are getting the rest needed to slowly recuperate. Ahhhhh. I think we'll just bake some cookies next week.


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