Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Tweet Tweet Tweet... Rockin Robin.

I am desperately looking for bits of twine and twig... or otherwise known as nesting. This is the crazy time of pregnancy that the spirit of Martha Stewart and June Cleaver suddenly inhabits your blooming body and convinces you that you need to re-organize your linen closet and your button collection.

I have been sewing and knitting and cleaning and planning and it has to last for the next three years 'cause once Princess Poopypants arrives, I will be unable to accomplish much of anything outside of choosing to shower or eat a granola bar in my free time...

Don't get me wrong I love the prospect of a new butter-bug in our lives, I'm just postive that I will utter at some point, "When did I ever have time to (insert any extra-cirricular activity here)?" Please, please Oh Mommy Goddess, let me still have time to do some fun stuff...

Well, I have ultrasound pics but have been unable, in my placenta-brain state, to remember how to run my scanner. I shall have to wait until my technologically superior husband can find time to help me post them... although I've been showing everyone within a 12 mile radius the real deal - even if they aren't that interested!

I also would have posted some regular pics as well, but due to the fact that our oldest has taken up photography with our digital as of late - I have not downloaded the 73 pictures of her Barbie house because it would crash our computer.

I took Philippe with me to get the notorious guitar from the repair shop the other day. This is the same repair shop when I exchanged a heated debate with the owner about his CRAPPY guitars and CRAPPY service as well - the Hormone Hun rides again! Philippe was with me last time too and witnessed the whole affair taking place.... " Where is my Mommy and what crazy lady ate her??" Anyways, upon our arrival the other day, he takes one look at said owner and inquires in a not so quite voice - "Is that the guy you got into a fight with Mama??"

hee hee hee *snort* shhhhhhhhhhhhh.

It is getting to that age where you have to watch what you say and do around these two.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger 2266 said...

So are you coming this weekend? I could use your nesting skills...

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Steph said...

Nesting, eh? can I send some fabric up to you? I really need some curtains for my dining room...


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