Saturday, April 02, 2005

yeah yeah yeah....


I will take time from my hormone induced hysteria to update my freakin blog. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that you all care whether I do or not. If the computer was upstairs and not in the dungeon of no windows, thus no natural light, of the basement... it would be more enticing. I have had my Canadian standard of limited daylight hours this year and am desperate for the long days of summer to arrive. BUTT, if we moved the said computer upstairs, there might not be much of a computer left. Maybe my demon-seed children would kindly refurbish it for me with glue and glitter when I'm putting another load of their laundry in the dryer...

ahhh, the chaos continues, the phone is now ringing and I am downstairs in the dungeon. There is no way without a wrinkle in the space-time continuim that I will haul my pregnant arse up the stairs fast enough to answer in time... so , why bother - it's probably a telemarketer anyways!

Kate cut her hair yesterday, Tuesday my neighbour and I found our children in their underwearin a closet... alone (Philippe and Caitlyn), Wednesday suspects (same as aforementioned) covered neighbour bathroom in toothpaste, I got into a fight with the guitar repair man on Thursday and on Friday my lovely children, who were supposed to be playing the yard while I finished a quick phone call, ended up at the neighbour's house... yeah. Yes, that's
L-e-s-l-i-e for my Mother-of-the-Year Award!

I went to spend my birthday bucks on Maternity clothes the other day. Of course, Enter girl -who-swallowed-a-basketball and her cute Pregnant self. I felt like shoving her skinny ass into the strapless spring dresses that only Pregnant Barbie could wear - cause her arse doesn't expand with her belly as well! I've never been what you would describe as, well, petite - even when I was a dish, but pregnancy doesn't really help my condition.

I miss prescription drugs.

I also miss a strong drink on occassion.

Ultrasound is on monday, yeah. Pink or blue knitting... I'll keep y'all on the up and up.



At 7:04 AM, Blogger Steph said...

Hey lady...
Just keep in mind that the skinny pregnant lady will still have to pop that kid out through those tiny hips. I'm sure there must be some sadistic condolence in that.

Got word this week that someone in my family is preggers. Someone who once tried to feed WASABI to a friend's baby.

By virtue of the fact that you would never even consider putting something akin to turpentine in your infant's mouth, I think that all of the incidents last week can be chalked up to having brought your own tiny "Calvin"s into the world. The comic strip was amusing, why isn't the real life version????


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