Tuesday, December 07, 2004

mission accomplished

Well, Santa came through for me.

He e-mailed me yesterday and told me to stop stressing about finding "swan lake barbie" because one of his elves won an e-bay auction and it was taken care of.... A christmassy *sigh* of relief. Ahhhhhhh. I think he might have even splurged and got the prince "Ken" as well. What can I say, Santa is one nice guy!

We went and saw "Polar Express" this weekend with the kids, it will be one of my xmas favs for years to come. I think I cried a little too hard at the end, who am I kidding, throughout. "It's Ok kiddies, Mommy just hormonal and wants the polar express to take her away for a little while..." Then we went out for supper at East Side's (the comfort food of pasta and a big cup of red wine for crazy Mama) and then on to Marlene and Peter's to decorate gingerbread houses. Just call us the Griswald's! Fa la la la la latte!

Kate got her very first report card and got good comments in all except for "willingness to communicate" with the teacher... yup.Well DUH, she's just learning to speak the language you big twerp!. Frank and I went for the Parent/Teacher interview - he, relaxed and happy - me, defensive and ready to take down Mr.Gerard if I had to. Hey, this is my little girl we're talkin' about. My smart to the point bordering on genius, sweet little sugarplum... most days anyway! I was visibly uncomfortable and they worded things carefully, maybe because they were frightened of the lioness or maybe for the retarded anglophone.... ummmm, ok I 'm breathing deep. It's just such a contrast between the Kate I see at home and the Kate they're telling me about. They should be telling me how breathtakingly wonderful she is and how they are delighted to have such a shining pupil in their dumb kindergarten class! RRRrrreooooWW!

long exhale.

some funny one-liners from the bugs -

"Hey, Papa! You've got a big hole in your hair!"

Philippe - "Mama I went to pee."

Mama - " where did you pee?" ( I ask only because he has a nasty habit forgetting to flush.)

Philippe - "mostly in the toilet."



At 10:34 AM, Blogger Steph said...

I was holding a hand over my mouth trying not to laugh out loud at Philippe's comment "Mostly in the flush".
Sigh - at least he's truthful.


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