Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I'm Doooonnnneeeee......

.... music to any mother's ears. Oh goody. Wiping duties continue. The only thing worse is when you hear nothing, like yesterday.
Yes, the excitement for my day included bathroom follies. Disclaimer - anyone not amused by bathroom humour, run for your life!

I was taking care of one domestic duty or another and noticed Philippe had been missing and quiet, a deadly combo, for some time. I ventured to see what my little angel was up to. As I came around the corner, I met my son naked from the waste down, well, no that's not true, he was holding the empty toilet paper roll over his "peeker". His comment to me was "Mama, I used allllll the paper and now I have a telescope!" *snicker* uh-huh.

Next course of action - check out the contents of the toilet, just how much paper was left on the infamous empty "telescope"??
Oh Boy. Alot.
Hmmmm, should I flush it?? Yup. Ohhhhhh, big mistake!!

As the water swirled dangerously close to the top my mind was racing. "Argh! ahhhh! what do I do now???"
As the cleaner-upper of many messes in the run of a typical day, I did not want to add another to my resume, so I impulsively reached.... ick.... into the toilet and quickly grabbed the whole sopping, dripping, squishy wad of wet toilet paper my wonderful son had deposited there.
Ok, the water went down but now what?? ummmm. SPLAT - bathroom garbage can served it duty!
By the way, I came in no contact with any bio-matter in this process... ick again.

The joys of motherhood always amaze me! You never know what rich adventure you'll be on tomorrow!
Until next time, love & bleach handsoap forever,
Leslie xx


At 7:06 PM, Blogger 2266 said...

What? You threw the paper in the trash can?!! You should have saved it and made a paper mâché telescope for you to remember this historic event forever! What a shame! You're lucky Martha Stewart's in jail.

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Steph said...

Hee... I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes.


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